This collection presents the publications of the researchers belonging to the research unit POLEN - Pouvoirs, Lettres, Normes since 2012, year of the creation of this research unit. POLEN is a research unit of the University of Orléans (EA 4710) directed by Philippe Haugeard. This research unit arose in 2012 from the research units META - Centre de recherche sur les littératures et les civilisations (EA 4230) and SAVOURS - Savoirs et pouvoirs de l'Antiquité à nos jours (EA 3272). POLEN's overall research project concerns the issues of power and authority in their different guises and forms (political power, religious authority, social practices, cultural, literary and artistic models, legal frameworks and judicial norms, etc.). It also adresses their different modes of expression, representation and diffusion (texts, images and all forms of symbolic and artistic production). These topics raise a contrario questions of contestation, subversion and marginality.
CESFiMA - Centre d’Études Supérieures sur la Fin du Moyen Âge - Center for Research into the Late Middle AgesThe research group CESFiMA is directed by Jean-Patrice Boudet. The construction of norms and models by centres of authority and learning ; the diffusion, contestation and reconstruction of knowledge, norms and models. CLARESS - De l’âge CLAssique aux REStaurationS - From the Classical Age to the Restoration of the French MonarchyThe research group CLARESS is directed by Geneviève Haroche-Bouzinac. From the Classical Age to the Restoration of the French Monarchy : private and public practices of writing and reading; the writings of the inner self, authority and the written word; the interaction of the public and the private in written practices. CEPOC - CEntre d’Études POlitiques Contemporaines - Center for Contemporary Political StudiesThe research group CEPOC is directed by Jean Garrigues. The types and norms of political discourse; the social and cultural connections between literature and politics; memory and its written expression; non-discursive political writing (images, rituals, ceremonies). Scientific journals of POLENEach research group has its own scientifically recognized academic journal that are distributed nationally as well as internationally. CESFiMA : Cahiers de Recherches Médiévales et Humanistes / Journal of Medieval and Humanistic Studies. Éditions Classiques Garnier. |
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